Its well known for marihuana users that the most common effect of an overuse on weed, consists of a slight delusion (or extra sensitivity) on reality in which sounds, feelings and imagination are expanded to a greater level. After, thirst and hunger interrupt the user in such a violent way, that nothing can be so pleasurable then satisfying the hunger need. A sips on water and the effect starts to diminish until, it disappears.
It’s well known for buzz users that the most common effect of an overuse on alcoholic beverages can actually plug your respiratory system. Alcoholic beverages serve to desinhibit the user, opening its personality to a wider interaction with reality. The effect can last as long as the body is well fit to take the amounts. After that, the body looses control, making it hard for coordination of all its extremities. Violent and overconfidence are very common on alcohol abuse, promoting fights and car accidents when the consumer can’t maintain control of itself. An alcoholic overdose can cause sleepiness, parallel of an internal reaction derived from lack of liquids in the body and finally leaving the user with a number of pains such as headache and stomach disorder, commonly known as hangover.
So in a sense, the consumption of both products affects the perspective of reality on its user. Stoned or completely drunk, both produce an effect that in normal circumstances won’t appear on human bodies. The first one its consider an illegal substance under federal law in the United States. The second product is controlled and commercialized under federal and state law in all the United States.
On the second day of Novemebr, Californians will be called to vote on Proposition 19. The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, if approved, will allow all citizens 21 & older on the state of California, to cultivate, transport and consume marihuana for personal purposes. Even though marijuana is “legal” in California since 1996, it can only be sold for medical purposes, for which users must first prove that diseases can be less harmful with the cannabis consumption.
So where are we standing now, what is the reflection created from all this movement? The citizens of California will have their personal conflicts on whether this law will really benefit society. Some say that taxing this soft drug will increase the state budget. Actually, as USA cultural norm, the money making purpose seems to be the convincing fact to its legalization. The debate around marijuana has traveled through a journey since its prohibition. The war on drugs has been since de sixties, a mainstream politic for democrats and republicans. Suddenly it became a social law that drugs are bad, that a drug free society is a federal utopia pursues.
As for that, we must accept real facts, mainly of the existence of many substances that modify and affect in different range the human body. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that are well accepted in society, even though government and society maintain a constant campaign to inform about its negative effects on consumers. Then there are wide ranges of illegal substances existing on the black market. Armed cartels and delinquent groups maintain a successful business on its commercialization. Marijuana and hashish, cocaine, heroin and opium, methamphetamine, crack, LSD and other hallucinating products are the entire menu. Not all illegal drugs cause the same effect, as a fact the first ones, marijuana and hashish are known as soft drugs, as the rest is considered as hard drugs.
So when we talk about legalization on drugs, we can’t join up all drugs as a whole, as the production, transportation and effects on its consumption vary.
The comparison between alcohol beverages and marijuana can be a first approach on the debate. The question is, why is beer legal and weed illegal? Why is it socially accepted to be making stupidities during parties while drinking more beer then what a body can stand? It became fun for some (because for others, alcoholism is a nightmare) to enroll in a desinhibit attitude in society. Where are the damages that consuming marijuana cause? Which are the located from alcohol? Why is it so perverted to talk about marijuana? Why did for many years, the word marijuana has been an outlaw?
Why is California discussing the topic openly while in Mexico it’s been impossible to even put it on debate?
The reason that polls shows a positive attitude on marijuana legalization , is that those who were on their twenties when the flower revolution exploded in 1960, nowadays will be a granny of 70 years. These generations kinda know what’s the deal with all the green stuff. Smoking their first joints while recreating the happy dance of the unicorns to prevent the outgoing perverse war on Vietnam. These were the first youngsters to address the unpopular and illogical prohibition on a substance that only caused “peace and love”. But eventually everything ends, and of course, all youth who converts in adult, mature. More then fifty years have passed since the hippi invasion, but weed, which President Nixon catalogued as public enemy number one, still exists.
If marijuana gets legalized in California, it is because not only the adolescents will vote favorably the ballot, but also the continuing generations until de ones reaching the 70 years old. Knowing for a fact that marijuana is not a Satan product. That’s why the polls indicate a little more than 50 percent of California’s population are in favor of its regulation.
As a Mexican border citizen, this law is meaningful for this solely reason. How will my own politicians, those who represent me and the war against drugs, will resolve when a fence separates the same product from being illegal? What sense those it makes? I sure want some explanations!
Some still discuss the themes based on ghostly assumptions, stereotypes and of course, a historical lesson that government and schools have taught us since children, more of a dogma with no scientific facts.
Legalization doesn’t mean anarquist revenue. It doesn’t mean the marijuana bags will be sold on Ralph’s or Wal-Mart freely. Like guns, cigarettes and buzz, marijuana will be strictly controlled.
War on drugs won’t end only by legalizing marijuana on California. There is still a vast northern territory full of avid consumers seeking an effect that in their personal view helps them survive this thing called life. But, a small step towards a new perspective its needed in this war on drugs that for years, has proven its inefficiency.
Let us hope California lead us to a new way to live the future, away from fear that at the end only prevents us from seeking the truth.
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